Vacation 2008 - Day Four - 11 July
Another little Maine adventure today.
Phyllis and I have kayaked twice in our lives. The first time was here in Maine two years ago when we joined a small Kayak Tour group. Phyllis LOVED it but I was unexplainably scared out of my mind. I found the kayak I was issued incredibly tippy. From the moment we entered the water I was tense and became more and more tense as we traveled down stream. Within 20 minutes every muscle in body had frozen up and by the 30 minute mark I was begging to get out of the water. Phyllis loved it and decided that they had put me in a kayak that was “not right” for me. She was so gracious. She did not use the “W” (wimp) word even once.
The second time was in Ocean City last summer. We rented a couple of sit-on-tops. Though still a little tippy and frightened it was much better and we enjoyed our selves a lot.
SO ... For weeks Phyllis has been saying that we should rent a kayak while in Maine. After all we are within 40 feet of the water with two docks and our own little cove.
SO ... this morning I went to find a rental kayak for the next 10 or 12 days. I found one at $50 a day. So I bought one instead. Saved half the price and I may try to sell it back to them as a rental at the end of the vacation.
The picture is of me after the "SS Tippy Canoe" was launched with me in it for the first time.
Its good to see that you are jumping into your vacation with taste and forthought. Your oar and life-jacket combo match beautifully and set of the vibrant yellow of your "tippy canoe". However, it appears that your hat is lacking the required vacationer's cooling fan. Keep in mind that as I write this, I'm watching a marathon of Project Runway and am now aware of aspects of design, color, and function I had never before noticed. Get a fan for the hat. It'll be fierce.
Ok, I've finished laughing now. No wait, now I am. Wait, wait, ok...I'm ok now.
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